Terms & Conditions (Final terms and conditions will be issued via email after completion)(Required) I agree to the following terms and conditions:
This storage unit lease agreement (the “Agreement”) has been entered into on 02/15/2025 by and between the parties of 419 Ventures LLC (“Lessor”) and (“Lessee”) hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Parties”. The Parties are in agreement of the following:
Section 1. Rented Unit
Lessor hereby grants Lessee use of the following storage unit, pursuant to the terms of this storage rental agreement:
Facility Name: 419 Storage Co.
Facility Address: 592 Jeff Hartings Way, St. Henry, Ohio 45883
Unit Number: TBD
Unit Description: TBD
Section 2. Terms and Conditions
The Lessor agrees to lease the storage unit on a recurring month-to-month basis beginning on 02/15/2025 or as approved by Lessor until the Initial Term has been exhausted or the Agreement terminated or revised. This Agreement shall remain in full effect until terminated by either party in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
Section 3. Rent
Lessee shall pay rent monthly in the amount stated which includes Ohio sales tax for the advance rental of the unit (the “Monthly Rent Amount”). Monthly rental payments shall be due on the 15th day of each month. Payment can be done through credit card or mailed check. The Monthly Rent Amount is subject to annual inflation adjustments on or before April 1 of each calendar year as determined and issued by the Lessor.
If Lessee’s rental obligation is late, Lessor may, at Lessor’s discretion deny Lessee access to Lessee’s personal property pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 5322.03(C)(4).
Section 4. Late Fee
If Lessee fails to pay rent within twelve (12) days of the payment’s due date, rent shall be considered late, and Lessor reserves the right to accept or refuse the late rent payment. Acceptance of late rent shall not be construed as a waiver by Lessor of Lessee’s contractual duty to timely pay rent. If Lessor accepts the late rent payment, then Lessee shall pay a late fee of 0.15 * Monthly Rent Amount per day until all rent payments and late fees are paid in full. For example, if the Monthly Rent Amount is $120.00, then the applicable late fee would be calculated as 0.15 * $120.00 = $18.00 per day.
Section 5. Returned Checks
In the event of a returned check, the Lessee shall pay a $150.00 return check fee.
Section 6. Security Deposit
Lessee shall pay a security deposit equal to the Monthly Rent Amount due upon execution of this Agreement. The security deposit is made to secure Lessee’s faithful performance of all terms of this Agreement including, but not limited to, payment of rent and restoration of the unit to the same condition as existed upon execution of this Agreement, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Lessee forfeits the security deposit if Lessee vacates the unit without providing a sufficient termination notice as required herein this Agreement. In the event there is damage to the unit caused by Lessee, or any guest, invitee or agent of Lessee, then Lessor shall use the security deposit for repairs and restoration of the unit. The security deposit may also be applied toward payment of rent owed by Lessee. Any balance remaining shall be returned to Lessee. Lessee acknowledges that the payment of the security deposit does not release Lessee from liability for the payment of any costs or repairs which exceed the amount of the security deposit, or any other sums owed by Lessee.
Section 7. Use of Premises
The Lessee shall use the storage unit for the storage of permitted personal property only. The storage unit shall not be used as a dwelling, as a place of business, to store live animals, to store perishable goods, to store hazardous materials, or to store/conduct illegal activities or items of any kind. Illegal activities and items are strictly prohibited on the premises at all times. Further, Lessee shall not store anything outside of the storage unit unless permitted by Lessor in writing.
Section 8. Rules and Regulations
The Lessee shall comply with the following rules while using the storage unit:
1. The storage unit must be emptied, clean, and in good condition on or before the day the Agreement is terminated.
2. Personal locks are only allowable if authorized by the Lessor.
3. One lock is allowed per door latch.
4. The Lessee should keep the Lessor updated about any address changes, phone number changes, or email address changes. The Lessee shall notify the Lessor in writing of changes to personal information.
5. Do not litter. If the Lessee is caught littering, the Lessee will be subject to a penalty fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
6. The Lessee should use best efforts to minimize noise while using and accessing the unit and facility under this Agreement. If the Lessor becomes aware of unwarranted noise caused by Lessee, the Lessor has all rights to terminate this agreement.
Section 9. Maintenance
Lessee shall keep the unit rented in a clean and well-kept condition at all times during the duration of this Agreement. Should periodic maintenance or repairs be necessary, the Lessor agrees to notify the Lessee forty-eight (48) hours prior to making such repairs. In addition, if the Lessee becomes aware of needed maintenance and repairs to the rented unit, Lessee shall notify Lessor immediately.
Section 10. Damages
Lessee shall maintain the storage unit in the same condition as existed at the execution of this Agreement. Lessee shall be liable for any damages to the rented storage unit beyond normal wear and tear. Should damage beyond wear and tear be discovered, the Lessee shall pay to repair and/or replace such damages prior to retrieving their personal property from the storage unit.
Section 11. Security and Liability
The Lessee understands there will be no provided security for the storage unit. All personal property stored at the unit is the sole responsibility and sole liability of the Lessee.
Section 12. Release of Lessor’s Liability for Property Damage
All personal property stored in the unit by the Lessee will be stored at the Lessee’s sole risk. The Lessor, its members, officers, agents and employees, do not assume or imply responsibility for the Lessee’s personal property, nor shall the Lessor, its members, officers, agents or employees be held liable for any loss or damages to Lessee’s personal property that may occur at the storage unit arising from any cause including, but not limited to: mildew or mold, rodents, insects, explosions, rain, tornadoes, or floods, criminal mischief, burglary, vandalism, acts of God, power outage, or equipment failure.
Section 13. Termination of Agreement
Either Party may terminate this lease Agreement upon giving written notice to the other party at least thirty (30) days in advance, provided the Initial Term has been exhausted. However, in the event Lessee has violated any term of this Agreement, Lessor may terminate this Agreement upon a seventy-two (72) hour written notice to Lessee. All notices provided under this provision shall be hand-delivered or sent via certified mail at the contact information set forth in this Agreement.
Any property remaining in the unit after termination of this Agreement shall become the property of the Lessor. If the Lessor is required to remove any property from the unit by a hired third party, the Lessee will be charged a fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
Section 14. Assignment and Subletting
Lessee shall not assign this Agreement or sublet the storage unit. Any assignment or subletting shall be void and shall, at the option of Lessor, terminate this Agreement.
Section 15. Indemnity
Lessee agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Lessor, its members, officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, loss, injuries, charges, expenses, actions, suits, judgments, costs, damages, demands, penalties, and/or liabilities of any kind or nature whatsoever related thereto, if any, including reasonable attorney fees, arising either directly or indirectly, either in law or in equity, from or related to Lessee’s storage of personal property at the storage unit, including claims arising from Lessor’s or any other party’s negligence. Lessee understands and acknowledges that this provision holds Lessor harmless from any liability and claims that Lessee may have against Lessor with respect to any bodily injury, personal injury, death or property damage that may result from Lessee’s use of the storage unit. Lessor further understands and acknowledges that this provision requires Lessee to indemnify Lessor against the same. Such indemnification shall include all alleged liability, claims, loss, damages, injuries, proceedings, demands, costs, and attorney fees of third parties that Lessee improperly allows onto the premises or within the storage unit.
Section 16. Amendment
This Agreement may not be amended, redacted, or otherwise altered except through written amendment signed by both Parties. In other words, this agreement may only be amended, redacted, or otherwise altered by mutual consent of the Parties. Amendments may include changes to rent, additional rules, added or removed maintenance services, items no longer allowed in storage, and so on.
Section 17. Headings
The headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and shall not be used in the interpretation thereof.
Section 18. Binding Agreement
This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties and their respective heirs, successors, and assigns.
Section 19. Waiver
The waiver of any breach of this Agreement by either party shall not constitute a continuing waiver or waiver of any subsequent breach of this Agreement, whether or not of the same provision.
Section 20. Severability
Any Section of this Agreement deemed unenforceable, illegal, or unfair by a court of law shall be replaced by an acceptable Section accomplishing the same basic goal of protecting both Parties and their rights as they relate to this Agreement.
Section 21. Jurisdiction
This Agreement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Mercer County, Ohio. However, in the event a dispute arises between the Parties to this Agreement, the Parties agree to participate in at least eight (8) hours of mediation to attempt to resolve the dispute. The Parties agree to share equally in the costs of the mediation.
Section 22. Contact Information
Name: 419 Ventures LLC
Address: 592 Jeff Hartings Way, St. Henry, Ohio 45883
Email: 419storageco@gmail.com
Name: TBD
Phone: TBD
Address: TBD
Email: TBD
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement on the 02/15/2025.
Zachary D. Thobe
419 Ventures LLC
Lessee Name
Signed electronically on 02/15/2025